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Loyalty to your brothers at all times while playing.


If you hold a patch ,  WEAR YOUR COLORS! 


No other crews but Mongols. Keep Mongols AUS as your active crew.


When there are two or more brothers in a open lobby ride together at all times.


Always back up a brother when requested, this means drop anything (races,death matches etc..) you are doing and help your brother.


When running as a club/crew members will ride in 2 abreast formation starting with highest rank of the crew online at the time.


All Members must have a working mic.


No Killing or fighting other Mongols (Accidents happen so apologise if done) No apology will be considered a purpose Kill and can be reported.


If more than 2 members online - All members must ride bikes.


Never Narc or Rat on a Brother.


Respect is to be shown to all club members, officers, members, members bikes, OL' ladies and Allies.


All problems or decisions will be taken to a vote during church.


Church will be held weekly and all members notified of date and time, if you are unable to attend church you must let a higher ranking member know in advance or post on crew wall. If no notice is given of absentence you will be considerded not active.


Members must have colors with him when attending Church and on bikes. 


Prospect members must be voted in.


No one is to add or recruit members without a vote or approval from the Pres or VP.


Brothers above all else at all times.


Always do your best to never let a brothers or your own patch hit the ground.


If a higher ranking member is online - you must join their lobby, request invite or invite to your current lobby - Mongols RIDE together at all times when possible.


No Kids.


No Tanks first.


Patched members help each other out with money, cars ect..

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