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Prospects will be required to join our prospect chapter:  Mongols AUS prospects


You must have an open social club page. PSN account needs to be linked.


The Prospecting period will be a maximum of 4 weeks. We will assess you within this time and after this you will need to be voted in by all high ranking members. If your not willing to wait and earn the patch, fuck off now.


Absolutely no other crews except Mongols crew.


NEVER kill another Mongol.


Prospects must always ride bikes when in session with any other member.


When in session with a patched member always stay close and do what is asked.


All prospects must wear a black leather jacket (with prospect patch on back) black or blue jeans and boots.


Prospects are required to bring all matters to higher members to be put to a vote.


All prospects are encouraged to take pictures of other dead MC Patches to show loyalty - This shows you are ready to stand with patch members and will also help when promotions are being voted..


Post pictures on social club and stay active, stay loyal and you will earn that patch.


Help a full patch member at all times with anything he needs - NO QUESTIONS ASKED


If a higher ranking member is online - you must join their lobby, request invite or invite to your currentl lobby - Mongols RIDE together at all times when possible.


Never ask for a promotion. The Patch is earnt.


Any violation of prospect bylaws will result in being kicked -Never to return.


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